With good weather, landings resume, another 146 migrants arrived in Lampedusa.

Another 146 migrants have arrived in Lampedusa thanks to the good weather, making a total of 10 landings with 359 people since midnight. Four boats were rescued by the Coast Guard patrol boats in the Sar area. On board, there were 39 Sudanese, Tunisian, Algerian, Nigerian, Senegalese, Gambian, and Ivorian individuals, including 6 women and 2 minors, 2 women and 1 minor, 3 women, and 1 woman respectively. The boats reportedly left from Sfax and Kerkenna in Tunisia. All four groups have been taken to the Imbriacola hotspot and 360 other guests have been recently transferred there as well, who will arrive in Porto Empedocle tomorrow morning by ferry.

Con il bel tempo riprendono gli sbarchi, altri 146 migranti arrivati a Lampedusa

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