Winning is imperative, let the rosanero take advantage of the Barbera effect

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Tonight, Palermo must be like water. It must adapt to the “container” and break it at the right moment with its strength, as often happens in nature. This game is different from last Friday’s game against Sampdoria, mainly because of Venezia’s strength. Venezia has collected 14 more points than Palermo in the league and was very close to Serie A. The playoff rules reward the team who has a higher position in case of a tie in the double match. Therefore, Venezia is the favorite, but Palermo, as seen against Sampdoria, can also cause damage to them. It is a known fact that Palermo cannot manage anything in this first match. The team needs to play with the same determination as they did against Sampdoria, supported by the fans at the Barbera stadium. If they want to reach the final, they need to win this game and replicate the performance against Sampdoria. They need to play with the same fierceness and courage they showed before.

On Friday, they showed the best version of Palermo, the one that everyone wanted to see throughout the regular season but only glimpsed during the league. It was an aggressive, focused, and confident team, supported by the right choices made by the coach. Tonight, Palermo must start from that overall performance to continue nurturing a dream that seemed closed just two weeks ago.

Imperativo vincere, i rosanero sfruttino l’effetto Barbera

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