A committee that will represent victims of work-related accidents in court as civil parties and support their families. The announcement comes from Fillea Cgil less than a month after the tragic death of five workers, Epifanio Alsazia, Giuseppe Miraglia, Roberto Raneri, Ignazio Giordano, and Giuseppe La Barbera, at the sewage construction site in Casteldaccia. This tragic event has sparked the formation of the committee, endorsed by the union for months, to provide justice for the victims and their families. The union is also pushing the Palermo municipal administration to sign an agreement with labor unions to limit subcontracting, increase safety controls, and ensure a standard level of safety for workers.
Three key elements, when missing, create “anarchy regarding norms and limits.” Specialized legal representatives note that subcontracting leads to deregulation and decreased protection for workers. The legal firm, based in Veneto, is following the Casteldaccia case and representing one of the widows. The focus remains on waiting for results on the fumes that caused the workers’ deaths.
The article includes testimonies from family members of victims, highlighting their pain, frustration, and fight for justice. One father recounts the death of his son due to a work-related accident, expressing the absence of justice and the hardships faced by workers in precarious conditions. The widow of another victim expresses her anger and determination to seek justice for her late husband. The emotional testimonies reflect the ongoing struggle for justice and safety in the workplace.
La strage di Casteldaccia, la vedova di un operaio morto chiede «giustizia, solo giustizia»
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