Weather forecast in Palermo today 14 July

#Weather #forecast #Palermo #today #July

The weather situation in the city

In Palermo clear skies and warm.
The maximum recorded temperature will be 30 ° C, the minimum 22 ° C.
Winds will be light in the morning and will come from the Northeast.
Moderate winds in the afternoon and will always come from the Northeast.

The situation in the rest of Sicily

Clear and warm.
Wind from NE with an intensity of 13 km / h.
Gusts up to 30 km / h.
Minimum temperatures between 16 and 22 ° C and maximum temperatures between 27 and 33 ° C.

The weather situation in the Aeolian Islands

Diffuse sunshine.
Wind from North-North-West with an intensity of 13 km / h.
Gusts up to 14 km / h.
Minimum temperatures between 20 and 22 ° C and maximum temperatures between 27 and 28 ° C.

The weather situation in the Trapani area

Sunny and warm.
Tramontana wind on the Trapanese – Egadi with an intensity of 16 km / h.
Gusts up to 28 km / h.
Minimum temperatures between 14 and 22 ° C and maximum temperatures between 27 and 34 ° C.

Air quality in Sicily

The air quality for today is very good, with a daily average of suspended particulates equal to 7.7 µg / m³.

Sicilian news 2022-07-14 07:08:00

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