Water service management: Publiacqua’s expansion plan in Sicily halted
Acea and some affiliated municipalities have halted plans for the expansion of Publiacqua, a subsidiary of Tuscan multi-utility company Alia spa, in Sicily. The board of Publiacqua failed to reach the required two-thirds majority to approve participation in water service contracts for the aqueducts of Messina and Siracusa. Although the majority of votes were in favor, it was not sufficient. Reasons for voting against included Acea’s concern for the company’s interests and the incompatibility of expanding into areas outside of the Florence region. Acea believes that the focus should remain on the local area to ensure stability and protect employment levels. Additionally, Acea argues that the company’s primary purpose is to manage the water service in Florence and surrounding municipalities, making participation in contracts across different regions uncertain and disruptive to their core business. Furthermore, there are organizational and industrial considerations that complicate participating in national contracts.
Gestione servizio idrico, stop al piano di espansione di Publiacqua in Sicilia
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