Water infiltrations in Carminello Oratory threaten Serpotta stuccoes in Palermo

Another damp spot threatens the stuccoes of Serpotta. The limited rains of recent days have been enough to produce a large infiltration that is attacking the work done between 1651 and 1694 in the Oratory of Carminello in Palermo. A new alarm is raised by Pietro Zarcone, representative of the Confraternity that manages the monument on behalf of the archdiocesan Curia.

“We discovered the infiltrations yesterday morning,” Zarcone says, “it is a stain that adds to the previous one. Once again, we have reported it to the Superintendence.” The oratory is located near Porta Sant’Agata. “The Confraternity has intervened in the past for repairs on the roof,” continues Zarcone, “but now we don’t have any more funds.” The infiltrations would be facilitated by the precarious conditions of some tiles and by the construction of an unauthorized terrace in a neighboring building. “Eight months ago, the technicians from the Municipality conducted a survey but no subsequent measures were taken,” Zarcone says, “yet it is necessary to intervene urgently by repairing the tiles and placing an adequate waterproof membrane to protect the historic monument.”

In the archive photo, the Oratory of Carminello

Palermo, infiltrazioni d’acqua nell’Oratorio del Carminello: minacciati gli stucchi del Serpotta

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