Water alarm in the Egadi Islands, administration reassures: “It’s not polluted, no anomalies”.

The municipal administration of the Egadi Archipelago reassures all citizens that the water distributed in the three islands is within the hygienic and health parameters. This announcement comes in response to some news about a presumed water pollution in the archipelago. Doubts and misunderstandings were generated by a post published by the Municipality of Favignana on its Facebook page.

While the message reassured tourists and residents that the water distributed in the three islands, Favignana, Levanzo, and Marettimo, meets the hygienic and health parameters, it also highlighted a clear contradiction.

“From a routine check, in fact – as stated in the now corrected post – carried out on the 20th of July at the Welcome terminal in Favignana and the Welcome terminal and a private user in Levanzo, a non-compliance of the examined microbiological parameters was found, slightly higher than the norm.”

In the following hours, clarification came from the administration of Forgione. “The only three anomalies, found following a routine check carried out on the 20th of July, exclusively concern the Welcome terminal in Favignana and the Welcome terminal and a private user in Levanzo. Only in these three cases, a non-compliance of the examined microbiological parameters, slightly higher than the norm, was found.”

The municipal administration immediately initiated the procedures to verify and correct the non-compliances detected by the provincial health company, specifically for these three users. As a precautionary measure, Mayor Francesco Forgione has prohibited the use of water for drinking and food purposes, except after boiling it, in the two Welcome terminals and the affected private user. The ordinances are temporary. “No other anomalies have emerged in the other users of Favignana, Levanzo, and Marettimo.”

Allarme acqua alle Egadi, l’amministrazione tranquillizza: “Non è inquinata, nessuna anomalia”

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