Volcano: redevelopment works begin at thermal pool

In Vulcano, at the thermal pool seized for four years by the prosecutor’s office of Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto, restoration works have begun. The approval was given by judge Giuseppe Costa, who accepted the request of lawyer Saro Venuto and authorized the Geoterme company, which has managed the pool in recent decades.

Mayor Riccardo Gullo, along with deputy mayor Saverio Merlino and official Mirko Ficarra, went to the island and met with Geoterme CEO Gustavo Conti. Also present were station commander Luigi Prizzi of the Carabinieri and municipal delegate Gilberto Iacono.

“The primary intention of the mayor,” delegate Iacono commented, “was to ensure that the restoration works continue smoothly. The hope is to find a solution to reopen the mud pool, a symbol of the island and a driving force for tourism in the Aeolian Islands.”

“In a climate of political uncertainty following Mayor Gullo’s resignation,” Gilberto Iacono remarked, “this signal gives us hope for a change of heart. Administering a municipality like ours is not easy, but now more than ever, the islands need a steady guide.”

Vulcano, iniziati i lavori di riqualificazione nel laghetto termale

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