Vito Di Domenico confirmed as the head of the Casteldaccese Carnival Association.

Vito Di Domenico has been reconfirmed as President of the Carnevale Casteldaccese Association. On Thursday, July 20th, the ordinary elective assembly of the Carnevale Casteldaccese Association took place at the Casteldaccia library to renew the social positions. The leadership positions of Vito Di Domenico as President, Salvatore Fricano as Vice President, and Maddalena Manzella as Secretary were unanimously reconfirmed, with the addition of two new councilors to the board, Gaetano Liga and Salvatore Di Tusa. The report on the past five years highlighted the growing success of the Carnevale Casteldaccese, which has now gained recognition at a regional level. The next Carnevale is also scheduled to take place in Casteldaccia from Friday, February 9th to Tuesday, February 13th, 2024. In the photo, from left to right, are Salvatore Fricano (Vice President), Vito Di Domenico (President), Maddalena Manzella (Secretary), Salvatore Di Tusa (Councilor), and Gaetano Liga (Councilor).

Vito Di Domenico confermato al vertice dell’Associazione Carnevale Casteldaccese

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