Via D’Amelio, appeal against the ruling on cover-ups, prosecutors: unrelated to the mafia behind the massacre

The prosecution in the appeal against the sentence on the obstruction of the investigation into the bombing on Via D’Amelio on July 19, 1992, which killed judge Paolo Borsellino and his escort, argued that there is incontrovertible evidence of the involvement of individuals unrelated to the Cosa Nostra mafia. The timing of the attack and the presence of security personnel near the magistrate’s armored car immediately after the explosion point to the involvement of external power centers. The prosecution also alleges that the obstruction of the investigation was aimed at hiding external culpability, contradicting the findings of the lower court. They criticize the court’s analysis of the evidence and its reliance on previous trial conclusions.

Via D’Amelio, ricorso contro la sentenza sui depistaggi, i pm: estranei alla mafia dietro la strage

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