Vandalism raid in Bagheria school: walls defaced, glass shattered and cameras destroyed.

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Another vandal raid in a school. It happened in Bagheria, where during the night there was an incursion in the school building Sacerdote Francesco Castronovo in via Libertà of the I circolo Bagnera educational direction. The vandals destroyed two cameras (two others remain active), ransacked some rooms, and smeared the walls with paints and colors found inside the building, several windows were also broken. In the past few days, there had already been an attempted break-in and the images of this attempt have already been acquired by the investigators, as reported by the school principal Caterina Oliveri. Today (March 20), in addition to the police officers, the forensic investigators were also present on site, as well as the councilor for Public Education Provvidenza Tripoli for an inspection followed by one currently being carried out by the municipal technicians. A company identified by the municipality, under the direction of the new Works Manager Giovanni Lascari, is already conducting an inspection today for the installation, in the next few hours, of a new alarm system.

In the photo, a vandalized room.

Raid vandalico in una scuola di Bagheria: muri imbrattati, distrutti vetri e telecamere

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