University of Messina mourns: Professor Francesco Squadrito has passed away

The University of Messina is in mourning. The university professor and former city councilor Francesco Squadrito has passed away. The rector Giovanna Spatari expressed condolences on behalf of the academic community: “The University of Messina and the Messina School of Pharmacology have lost one of the most illustrious teachers.”

Squadrito, a professor of Pharmacology and director of the Clinical Toxicology unit at the Martino University Hospital, passed away at the age of 65. He was a nationally and internationally renowned researcher, as well as an author of scientific publications in the field of clinical and experimental pharmacology, particularly in the area of cardiovascular pharmacology. Throughout his long teaching career, he mentored generations of students, transmitting his expertise in Pharmacology with dedication and passion. Squadrito had also served as the city councilor for the Environment during the mayorship of Francantonio Genovese. He was involved in various social projects, including being the director of the provincial section of the Italian Blood Volunteers Association (Avis) and the president of the municipal Avis in Messina.

Friends and acquaintances expressed condolences on social media. Emilio Fragale described Squadrito as a man of another era and remembered his intelligence, patience, and willingness to listen. Fabio Finocchiaro thanked him for his teachings and influence on former medical students.

The funeral will be held on Monday, April 1st at 11:30 am at the Messina Cathedral.

L’Università di Messina a lutto: è morto il docente Francesco Squadrito

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