University of Catania, call for 11 researchers: how to submit an application.

The University of Catania has published a selection announcement for the recruitment of eleven fixed-term researcher positions for a duration of three years, in various disciplinary sectors and departments. The deadline for submitting an application for the selection process is April 11th.

The requirements for admission to the selection process are specified for each disciplinary sector in the attached schedule to the announcement. Applicants must hold a doctoral degree or equivalent obtained in Italy or abroad. Individuals who are already employed indefinitely as first or second-tier university professors or researchers, even if they have ceased their service, are excluded from participating in the selection procedures. Additionally, individuals who are related by blood or marriage up to the fourth degree to a first or second-tier professor within the department of competence, or to the rector, general director, or a member of the University’s Board of Directors are also excluded. Furthermore, individuals who have held research grants or contracts with the University of Catania or other state, non-state, or online universities, or with entities established by law, for a period totaling more than 12 years, including non-continuous periods, are excluded from participation. Periods of maternity leave or sick leave according to current regulations do not count towards the duration of these contracts.

The selection process includes evaluation of qualifications, curriculum, scientific production, and proficiency in a foreign language.

Applications for admission to the selection process must be submitted electronically through the University of Catania’s platform by April 11th.

Università di Catania, bando per 11 ricercatori: come presentare la domanda

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