University: Ersu Palermo receives additional 13.8 million euros for scholarships

The Board of Directors of Ersu Palermo this afternoon (April 29) approved a budget measure that allows for the immediate expenditure of an additional 13.8 million euros in favor of university students attending universities, academies of fine arts, and music conservatories in western Sicily. Twelve and a half million euros come from the new allocation that the regional Education department has made in favor of Ersu Palermo students, while 1.3 million euros come from the entity’s budget, thanks to budget reassessment activities.

The measure allows for the payment of 100% of the scholarships for second-year and subsequent students, for a total of 7,971 scholarships paid, while it reaches 75% of first-year students, for a total of approximately 3,400 scholarships paid to freshmen: a percentage that – in this case – is destined to increase, both due to the hope of additional new resources that the Board of Directors will try to find, and due to the merit and income checks of the applicants that lead to a decrease in eligible individuals. The Ersu scholarships awarded for the current academic year amount to approximately 11,400, with a coverage reached of 90%, 14% more than last year, with an 8.1% increase in amounts.

The Ersu Board of Directors is composed of student representatives Irene Ferrara, Giovanni Milisenda, Francesco Salatiello, teacher representative Valeria Militello and president Margherita Rizza, who expresses “satisfaction for this important result that allows, thanks to the commitment of the regional government led by Renato Schifani, a relaunch of policies for the right to university education in Sicily”.

Università, dall’Ersu Palermo altri 13,8 milioni di euro per le borse di studio

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