UniCredit signs agreement with Italian Association of Ceramic Cities

UniCredit and the Italian association “Città della Ceramica – Aicc” have signed an agreement, limited to the Sicilian territory, “to support local companies in their investments and growth path, in order to strengthen their development potential,” says a statement from the bank. The association brings together the municipalities with a well-established ceramic tradition, recognized by the National Ceramic Council established at the Ministry of Economic Development, and aims to create a national network of cities where a significant ceramic activity historically developed, so that there can be mutual exchange of information, collaboration in supporting their ceramic tradition, and promotion of better recognition nationally and internationally. In Sicily, the municipalities part of the association are Burgio, Caltagirone, Collesano, Monreale, Santo Stefano di Camastra, Sciacca. The picture shows, from left to right, various mayors and representatives of UniCredit involved in the agreement.

Siglato l’accordo tra UniCredit e l’Associazione italiana città della ceramica

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