UniCamillus in Cefalù among six medical faculties moving towards accreditation

Six new faculties of Medicine are currently being accredited at six Italian universities: Unicamillus in Cefalù, Sacro Cuore in Rome, University of Cagliari, Sapienza in Rieti, University of Verona, and Università Europea di Roma in Rome. This information was reported by ANSA.

The six new faculties were recently approved by the National University Council and are awaiting accreditation from Anvur and the Ministry. If confirmed, the number of locations offering a course in Medicine and Surgery would increase to 95. According to Il Sole 24 Ore Le Guide, over the course of a decade, the number of training centers for future medical professionals has increased by more than a third. In 2013, there were 60 locations, which decreased briefly to 58 in 2014 and 59 in the following biennium, before starting a steady incline in 2017. Last year, there were 89 locations offering Medical programs.

Verso l’accreditamento sei facoltà di medicina, c’è anche l’UniCamillus di Cefalù

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