Unexploded wartime device found on Porto Palo beach in Menfi

An explosive device was found on the beach of Porto Palo in Menfi. It was discovered by some municipal police officers who immediately alerted the carabinieri. According to a preliminary analysis, the device found in the area known as “Solette” could be a bomb dating back to World War II. The device was found in poor condition.

As a precaution, the affected area has been marked off and cordoned off, and will remain off limits until a specialized team intervenes. The Prefecture of Agrigento has been informed and soon the Army’s explosive experts will arrive to remove the device.

In 2021, also in Menfi, during the cleanup operations of roads after a downpour, the volunteers of the regional civil protection found an explosive device. The finding occurred in the Cavarretto area at the border of the urban perimeter in a populated area. In that case too, law enforcement authorities took steps to secure the area and notified the prefecture for the decontamination of the area.

Menfi, trovato un ordigno bellico nella spiaggia di Porto Palo

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