Two-year-old child dies in Castellammare del Golfo from high fever virus

In Castellammare del Golfo, a two-year-old child died after contracting a virus with a high fever that caused swelling in his head. He was in a coma, hospitalized for days, and connected to machines. Today, brain death was declared and the decision was made to disconnect life support. The mayor, Giuseppe Fausto, expressed condolences on behalf of the community, stating on Facebook, “Castellammare del Golfo is deeply saddened to learn that little Francesco, only two years old, has passed away after fighting for days.” The mayor, along with the administration of Castellammare del Golfo, is deeply saddened by the premature loss and offers heartfelt condolences to the parents of little Francesco, Gabriella and Peppe, expressing condolences to the Tartamella and Montalbano families.”

Castellammare del Golfo, muore un bimbo di due anni colpito da un virus con febbre alta

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