Two attacks at Brain and Ingrassia by doctor and nurse, Palermo hospital X-ray security system scrutinized

Yesterday, the detailed report of the nurse from Ingrassia hospital who was attacked on Tuesday, March 12, arrived on the desk of the extraordinary commissioner of the Palermo Health Agency Daniela Faraoni. The report will be carefully examined and will be an opportunity to analyze any potential countermeasures, even though the agency’s areas of responsibility seem to have already been largely fulfilled. Each hospital in the Health Agency 6 is equipped with security guards, video surveillance inside and outside. “Every possible action will be evaluated – currently the only words coming from the health agency – to protect the work of emergency room operators.” It is expected that the Health Agency will become involved in the possible trial against the attackers.

The report will mainly serve to understand if there were any security flaws in the systems even though, up to now, no responsibility of the healthcare personnel and on-duty security for what happened has emerged from the detailed reconstructions.

The investigations by the Villa Sofia-Cervello health agency continue regarding the assault on Dr. Alfredo Caputo, head of Oncological Endocrinology at the Cervello hospital in Palermo. The mobile team’s investigations were very quick and the twenty-three-year-old, M. P. from Sciacca, had no escape. The specialist had refused to prescribe a drug to the young man while waiting for a clearer clinical picture. The doctor was attacked inside his service room during a phone conversation with a knife, suffering a serious injury to his right ear and damage to the tendons in his left arm. The stabs were only three centimeters away from his carotid artery, otherwise the outcome would have been more tragic. That day of madness had been exclusively recounted by Caputo to the Giornale di Sicilia: “I was facing the computer and suddenly this fury came at me from behind,” he recalled.

“The issue of attacks on healthcare personnel – say Antonio Ruvolo and Giovanni Cucchiara, union leaders of Fials commenting on the recent episodes of aggression and the arrest of the alleged author of the attack at Cervello – can only be resolved if all institutions decide to address it by strengthening the staff and reviewing organizational models and increasing security. What happened should open our eyes even more to the emergency rooms of hospitals, where the rush due to excessively long wait times turns into fights. In our opinion, in addition to providing adequate staffing, it is necessary to convene a round table between the regional government, the Health Commissioner, the mayor, Seus, the Order of Physicians, and the directors of health agencies, in order to find a project aimed at new organizational and structural models to facilitate admissions to emergency rooms with a corporate policy that facilitates discharges and wait times for visits and tests. A triage model to follow could be that of the Civico hospital, with areas dedicated to yellow codes with the presence of nurses, physicians, and Oss.”

Le due aggressioni del medico al Cervello e dell’infermiera all’Ingrassia, ai raggi X il sistema di sicurezza negli ospedali di Palermo

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