Two AMAT workers injured in theft of van in Palermo: vehicle found by police shortly after

The stolen van of an Amat worker was found by the police during Operation High Impact controls. The vehicle was stolen just a few hours before and was located in via Bronte. The incident has raised alarm among Amat executives, who are waiting for a signal from the prefecture, while unions are moving to further highlight the security issue for the company’s workers. The episode is part of a series of daily acts of violence against workers and drivers, who face threats and tense moments during city routes and thefts during nighttime operations. The workers are asking for help, and the president of the company has sent an email to the prefect, hoping for a response soon. The unions are organizing to address the security issue for Amat employees and call for a resolution. The recent incident of a passenger verbally and physically attacking a tram driver is just one example of the daily challenges faced by workers. The presence of Sicurtransport on buses and trams has increased ticket sales and calmed down certain lines, but more security measures are needed. Despite encountering difficult passengers, most people want order and security, even though they have to deal with occasional troublemakers.

Palermo, due gli operai Amat feriti nel furto del furgone: il mezzo ritrovato subito dopo dalla polizia

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