Twenty cats found dead at the former slaughterhouse on Santa Cecilia Street, Messina

Horror in Messina. Thirteen cats were found dead inside the former slaughterhouse on Via Santa Cecilia, but there could be more. The municipal police arrived on the scene and discovered the lifeless animals, possibly poisoned. The officers, led by commander Giovanni Giardina, reached the structure that has been home to numerous colonies of cats for years thanks to the volunteers’ contribution, and witnessed the terrible scene.

Investigations are currently underway by Asp and the Municipality to determine the causes that led to the deaths. The most likely cause, as mentioned, is poisoning, but veterinarians will have more definite indications in the coming hours. The investigations will begin based on the results of the examinations.

Messina, trovati morti venti gatti all’ex macello di via Santa Cecilia

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