Trial begins for undertaker who threatened the mayor of Comiso

An initial hearing was held at the Ragusa court for the trial of Maurizio Angelo Cutello, accused of threatening a public official with the aggravating factor of association with the mafia. Cutello allegedly threatened the mayor of Comiso, Maria Rita Schembari, in 2019, in an attempt to prevent the revocation of his funeral services company license following an anti-mafia injunction that had been imposed on him. Schembari reported the threats and the case was sent to trial. The first hearing, initially scheduled for January 9th, took place on April 30th. The court granted the mayor’s request to be a civil party in the trial, represented by lawyer Massimo Garofalo. The trial was adjourned to November 19th for the gathering of evidence and to hear from the civil party and investigators. The mayor and the chief police commissioner at the time in Comiso will be questioned, with further hearings set for February 11th and 25th. Mayor Maria Rita Schembari stated, “I await the outcome of the trial calmly. I believe that a public administrator cannot be fearful and must adhere to the pursuit of truth and respect for the law, not bowing to threats. If one chooses to be an administrator, they must not show fear and must seek justice and await its course.”

Minacciò il sindaco di Comiso, al via il processo per un impresario funebre

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