Trapani man attempts fast food robbery, flees employee’s screams: caught and arrested

In Trapani, the carabinieri of the Borgo Annunziata station arrested a 37-year-old man accused of attempted robbery. The arrest was made in execution of a precautionary measure of imprisonment issued by the judge of the Trapani court. The man already had a police record. During the Christmas period, late at night, he allegedly tried to rob a well-known fast food restaurant in the Fontanelle area. On that occasion, with his face uncovered and under threat of a gun, he demanded the cashier to hand over the money, but, after the screams of another employee who was witnessing the scene, he fled without taking anything. The carabinieri examined the surveillance camera footage and heard from witnesses. They were able to gather serious evidence of the man’s guilt, who has now been transferred to the Trapani prison.

Trapani, tenta di rapinare un fasf food ma le urla di una dipendente lo fanno fuggire: individuato e arrestato

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