Trapani Deputy Prosecutor: “Unacceptable for no one to report usury and extortion”

The absolute lack of reports, both for usury and extortion, is alarming and unacceptable. The only two cases we have followed at the Trapani Prosecutor’s Office have stemmed from other incidents. No one has filed a report. It is unthinkable that in an economically depressed province like Trapani there are no usurious phenomena, especially after the pandemic emergency, which as we know has put small and large entrepreneurs in great difficulty. The invitation to the victims of these terrible crimes is to report them because it is the only possible way to contain these phenomena.

In this regard, five entrepreneurs who have been victims of usury and extortion also spoke, recounting their experiences and emphasizing the importance of reporting to get out of bad situations. Among others, the president of the regional anti-mafia commission, Antonello Cracolici, Fabio Bottino, provincial commander of the Carabinieri in Trapani, Lieutenant Fabiana Minardi of the Guardia di Finanza in Alcamo, Monsignor Pietro Maria Fragnelli, bishop of Trapani and Dario Costantini, national secretary of Cna, also spoke at the meeting.

“In an apparently less tense atmosphere than in years past, where the mafia is perceived as ‘less solid’,” said Cracolici, “we must instead reaffirm the awareness that mafia organizations still threaten development today, threatening the conditions for our land to be attractive.”

Satisfied with the high participation of entrepreneurs at the conference, as well as the synergistic networks that have been created to support them, both national and local Cna authorities. Costantini believes that “it is important for the state to also do its part to not create the ideal conditions for plagues such as usury and extortion.”

Usura ed estorsioni, il procuratore aggiunto di Trapani: «Inaccettabile che nessuno denunci»

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