Trapani, an Eritrean collapses in Piazza Vittorio Veneto: tourists miraculously saved.

A tragedy was narrowly avoided in Trapani: a large Eritrine tree that was next to the monument to the Fallen suddenly fell. In the city, on the day when the faithful celebrate the co-patron Saint Alberto, there was immediately talk of a miracle, as only by chance, five tourists from Modena were not overwhelmed by the large tree. The group was standing in Vittorio Veneto square at that moment and for a few seconds, they were not hit. This is not the first case in Trapani: in the recent past, other Eritrine trees scattered throughout the city met the same fate. For the five from Modena, it was a matter of seconds: their vacation in the city could have had a tragic ending. “We had just passed by there – they say – when that large tree collapsed.”

The five were walking in the square because the sea conditions were not good and they had avoided going to the beach. Suddenly, without any apparent warning, the Eritrine tree crashed to the ground. “Yes – they say, after the great scare – we were lucky. They tell us that today Trapani celebrates Saint Alberto, so it was him who protected us.” Police officers, firefighters, and municipal police officers intervened after the alarm was raised. The area of the collapse was cordoned off. Municipal councilor Lele Barbara was also present and will urge the mayor to have a check carried out on the trees in the city to verify their conditions. “If situations of danger to public safety are found – he says – we will proceed with their removal. Today, a tragedy was narrowly avoided.”

Trapani, crolla un’eritrina in piazza Vittorio Veneto: turisti salvi “per miracolo”

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