Transfer of the six suspects in Palermo rape case to other Sicilian prisons begins

This afternoon, it is planned to transfer the six young people arrested for group violence against a 19-year-old girl from Palermo to other prisons in Sicily. Among the destinations are Castelvetrano and Termini Imerese. Gioacchino Veneziano, the general secretary of the Uilpa penitentiary police in Sicily, acknowledges the need to transfer the individuals involved in the rape that occurred in Palermo and expresses support for the penitentiary police personnel who will have to guard them. Due to a significant lack of staff, security levels lower, so to safeguard the safety of the individuals, the Pagliarelli command has requested their transfer.

Stupro di Palermo, al via i trasferimenti dei sei indagati in altre carceri siciliane

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