Training and forestry issues spark electoral concerns ahead of European elections: crisis talks at the Region.

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On one hand, there are professional training entities with their 6,000 operators who have not received salaries for months, while on the other hand, there are about 18,000 forestry workers waiting for salary increases and permanent positions. Less than a month before the elections, two of the main sectors in Sicily are moving against the government buildings, forcing the assessors to take emergency measures to deal with the situation. Yesterday, in less than two hours, the Assessor for Training, Mimmo Turano, and the Forestry Department, temporarily led by Renato Schifani, had to convene crisis meetings to avoid street protests that could affect the vote on June 8th and 9th. The most tense situation is the one reported by the training entities. The eight associations that represent the majority of the entities – Forma Sicilia, Iform Confimpresaitalia, Federterziario Scuola, Cenfop, Assofor, Anfop, Asef, – are complaining about the non-disbursement of funds worth 136 million euros. “In particular,” explained Gabriele Albergoni of Cenfop yesterday, “the Notice 3, which would allow the activation of courses for former recipients of the citizenship income and for laid-off workers, has never been issued. It is worth 56 million euros, and without these courses, the unemployed cannot even receive the 350 euro monthly contribution provided by the State. Furthermore, Notices 7 and 8, for more traditional courses, have started, but the Region has not yet disbursed the funds. Therefore, everything falls on the entities’ budgets, waiting for the public contribution to be unblocked.” The protest of the entities is supported by CGIL, CISL, and UIL, who recently, with Michele Vivaldi, Honorè Federico, and Ninni Panzica, requested the opening of a crisis table to shake up the Region.

Formazione e forestali, grane elettorali in vista delle Europee: tavoli di crisi alla Regione

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