Tragic accident on ring road in Palermo, friends mourn Samuele: “He lived for his family, we are shattered”

The article talks about the anger and sorrow felt by those who knew Samuele Fuschi, the man who lost his life in an accident on Viale Regione Siciliana in Palermo. The 39-year-old man, who leaves behind a wife and four children, was on his way to work when the tragedy occurred. He was receiving a small subsidy, but some occasional jobs allowed him to support his family. Friends describe him as a man who never backed down, who did not get discouraged despite the difficulties.

Many people travel daily on the stretch of road where a memorial plaque was already sadly placed in 1989 for Gaspare Polizzi, who died at just nineteen years old in another accident at the same spot.

In these hours, messages for Samuele Fuschi, shared on social media, are numerous. People express their condolences and sorrow for his unexpected death, remembering him as a lively, cheerful, and humble person who had a whole life ahead of him. They also criticize the poor condition of the road and express concern for the safety of others who may risk their lives on that street every day.

The article is a reflection on the tragic loss of Samuele Fuschi and the impact it has had on his family and friends.

Il tragico incidente sulla circonvallazione a Palermo, il dolore degli amici di Samuele: «Viveva per la sua famiglia, siamo a pezzi»

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