Towards the Future Together: Ballad’s Big Heart for People with Disabilities

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It was an intense Sunday (May 12, 2024), full of great emotions, provided by the Trentapiedi choir of Erice, a performance of new songs that focused on the theme of peace for a world free of hatred and wars. Love, especially for mothers, was a shared sentiment, celebrating mothers who can educate and raise a hundred children on their own, who accept disabilities and selflessly give to their children’s future.

The audience was massive, and they deserve great praise. The mayor Toscano, councilors Daidone and Cosentino were present, an administration close to the theme of inclusion and social solidarity. Solidarity was the focus of the day, with a fundraising for the association “Le luci del dopo di noi,” which, with a group of young people, emotionally moved the audience with a dance performance. Thanks to the municipal administration, Elena Vattiata, the association Insieme per Ballata, Father Toni Adragna, and Rossella Ruggirello for making it all possible.

Insieme verso il futuro, il grande cuore di Ballata per le persone con disabilità

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