Tourist injured in the Zingaro Nature Reserve: Alpine rescue intervenes.

The Sicilian Alpine and Speleological Rescue of Palermo responded to an incident in the Zingaro Nature Reserve involving a tourist near Cala Capreria. A 48-year-old woman from Ancona slipped while descending towards the beach, potentially fracturing her left ankle. Her friends called the emergency number 112, and the 118 central requested the intervention of the Alpine Rescue. Two teams, along with 118 personnel, arrived at the scene. After immobilizing her ankle, the teams carried the woman for over a kilometer on a special stretcher called “Lecco,” designed for rugged terrain. They transported her to the Castellammare del Golfo entrance, where an ambulance awaited and transported her to the Alcamo hospital.

Turista ferita alla Riserva dello Zingaro: interviene il Soccorso alpino

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