Three landings in one night bring 196 migrants to Lampedusa

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There are 196 migrants who arrived, during the night, in Lampedusa after the three dinghies on which they were travelling were rescued by the motorboats of the finance guard and the coast guard. On the first boat there were 24 (1 minor) Syrians and Sudanese, on the second 89 (4 women and 6 minors) Egyptians, Sudanese, Pakistanis and Syrians and on the third 83 (2 women and 3 minors) Bangladeshis, Egyptians and Pakistanis. The three groups declared to have departed from Zawia, in Libya, after paying 4 to 5 thousand euros each. They have all been taken to the hotspot in contrada Imbriacola, which had been evacuated yesterday, where there are now 199 guests.

Migranti, tre sbarchi nella notte con 196 arrivati a Lampedusa

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