Three accidents in Palermo within an hour: a car flips over on Bonagia bridge

Explanation: The article describes multiple car accidents that occurred in Palermo, Italy. The first incident involved a Smart car and a Fiat Panda colliding on a bridge, causing the Panda to overturn and the Smart car to crash into a wall. The fire department had to extract the driver of the Panda, along with two other family members who were injured and taken to the hospital.

A second accident involving two cars, including another Smart car, happened on via Roma, causing traffic delays until the local police arrived and removed the vehicles from the road. Finally, a third collision occurred between a scooter and a car on via Pitrè, resulting in a 40-year-old man being taken to the emergency room. Investigations are ongoing to determine the cause of these accidents.

Road accident in the Bonagia neighborhood in Palermo. In a collision that occurred on the bridge of the same name, a Smart car and a Fiat Panda were involved: the impact was so violent that it caused the Panda to overturn. The other vehicle instead went off the road and ended up against a wall. The crash occurred near the intersection with via Nicolò Azoti, the former via dell’Ermellino, where the alarm was launched.

The fire brigade arrived on the scene and extracted the driver of the Panda from the car, who was injured along with two other family members who were on board. The paramedics transported them to the hospital.

A second accident occurred, also this afternoon, on May 13th, in via Roma. In this case, two cars were involved, including a Smart car, and strong traffic slowdowns were recorded along the entire road. Circulation returned to normal after the arrival of the municipal police and the removal of the vehicles from the roadway.

Shortly after, another collision between a scooter and a car was recorded in via Pitrè. A forty-year-old man who was driving a Liberty scooter ended up violently on the asphalt following the impact. He was taken to the emergency room by the paramedics. Investigations to reconstruct the dynamics are ongoing.

Palermo, tre incidenti nel giro di un’ora: un’auto si ribalta sul ponte Bonagia

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