The Urban Art of Davide Puma: A Triumph of Nature on the Billboards of Palermo

Davide Puma, an artist from Palermo, Italy, is launching a new urban art project called “Manifesto. Love Open Sky.” The project involves displaying five posters throughout the city that feature Puma’s whimsical and poetic characters, such as a diver in a field of sunflowers and a flying cow. These posters will be placed on advertising billboards typically dedicated to commercial purposes. The project aims to bring messages of positivity, love, and spirituality to the public through art. The exhibition will run for 14 days, coinciding with the traditional Festino celebration in Palermo. The project has received support from various organizations, including the Regional Assembly of Sicily and the city of Palermo. The artwork is inspired by the concept of the “memory of water,” as theorized by Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto. Puma incorporates positive words and energy into his paintings, leaving a lasting impression on the canvas. The exhibition aims to provide a visual and emotional experience for viewers and raise awareness of spiritual and ethical issues.

L’arte urbana di Davide Puma: sui cartelloni pubblicitari di Palermo un trionfo della natura

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