The Sansoni announce the start of filming their first movie, to be in theaters in 2025.

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“«And then we’ll see» is the title of the first film by I Sansoni, the Palermo satirical comedy duo who have been driving web and social media audiences crazy for over seven years. The artists themselves announced it on Facebook, as they have already begun shooting the first scenes. A year of work awaits the two brothers before the film is projected in theaters. “And then we’ll see” will be in cinemas in 2025 and is a Warner Bros. production.

In fact, in the past few hours, I Sansoni have published a photograph under the Warner Bros. sign, writing: “Our first film with Warner Bros! in 2025 at the Cinema The title? And then we’ll see. No, it’s not a way to postpone the diet, study, or commitment… The film will be called: “AND THEN WE’LL SEE”. The story? And then we’ll see. No, we’re joking. We’ve already written it. And today we start shooting. It’s just that this title is like black, it goes with everything. How do we feel? Excited. What are we thinking? That we started from our bedroom. Are we scared? Possibly. Who do we have to thank? You, who have always been by our side: from “Annoyance” to “I ask for a friend”… to the Cinema! Yours, as always, Fabrizio and Federico!”.

A few days ago, the Palermo satirical comedy duo had launched a clue on social media that had sparked the curiosity of fans, now it is official. Champions of the web with over 400 million total views in just three years on all digital platforms, they began to collect successes with the mini-series “Things that annoy me” and the web films. Among the latter, the video “I’m not racist, but…” stands out, which alone totaled over 30 million views opening the social debate on the topic.

After the success on the web, therefore, I Sansoni want to conquer cinema lovers as well.”

«E poi si vede», I Sansoni annunciano l’inizio delle riprese del loro primo film: sarà al cinema nel 2025

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