The Saguto Trial: Story of the Pen Gifted by the Former Judge to Enna’s Professor

During the extensive hearings of the Saguto System trial, a pen was mentioned multiple times. It was the pen that the former judge gifted to Carmelo Provenzano. During the defense argument, the lawyer for former Kore researcher Calogero Fiorello used the pen as evidence in favor of Provenzano. He held it in his hand throughout his discussion. This expensive, limited edition pen was also considered by the prosecution as an object involved in a favor exchange. However, the defense claimed that it was a gift from Saguto to Provenzano as a gesture of gratitude for paying for drinks after their son’s thesis defense. Saguto herself admitted during one of her spontaneous statements that the pen probably cost more than the entire refreshment.

Processo Saguto, storia della penna che l’ex giudice regalò al professore di Enna

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