The Policlinico hospital in Palermo, the reduction of waiting lists is incomplete: the plan has been extended.

The Policlinico di Palermo has extended the plan to reduce waiting lists, which was set to expire on July 31st. In a statement, it is explained that the actions initiated in April to enhance healthcare services by increasing outpatient and inpatient services have reduced but not completely cleared the backlog of appointments made by citizens. Hence the need to extend the operational plan adopted on March 31st, which was funded with one million euros of regional funds.

“The information flows of outpatient services clearly show – says the extraordinary commissioner of the university hospital, Maurizio Montalbano – the number of appointments that have not yet been provided.” Waiting lists and private practice were the focus of the meeting held this morning at the Academy of Sciences with the directors of departments and operational units. “I have asked – Montalbano explains – the directors of departments, operational units, the healthcare management, and the Alpi parity commission, which now has Professor Giuseppe Gallina as its new president, to verify the consistency of activity volumes and, if necessary, take the necessary measures to ensure a proper relationship between services provided in private practice and institutional settings, as well as to ensure the promptness of services and compliance with the maximum waiting times.” Out of the 29,000 appointments recorded as of March 31st, 6,000 have been addressed.

According to the monitoring carried out by the coordinator of the company’s Cup (Centro Unico di Prenotazione – Centralized Reservation Center), Nicolò Napoli, on the progress of services provided in institutional settings, the outpatient departments affiliated with 21 out of 57 operational units of the company have reduced by 15 to 20 percent the number of appointments that exceed the guaranteed time frames. The twenty operational units that have reduced waiting times are: General Surgery with an oncological focus, Breast unit, Emergency General Surgery, Pediatric Surgery, Orthopedics, Gynecology with minimally invasive surgery, Urology, Plastic Surgery, Internal Medicine with Stroke, Clinical Nutrition, Pneumology, Internal Medicine and Genetic Dyslipidemia, Infectious Diseases, Internal Medicine in critical areas, Nephrology and Dialysis, Pain Therapy, Clinical Nutrition, Emergency Medicine, Dentistry and Stomatology, Neurophysiology, Interventional Neuroradiology. As for the outpatient departments of the other 36 apparently “less virtuous” operational units, it is important to note that they already have waiting times between 30 and 70 days, which fall within the parameters.

“In cases where waiting times exceed the standards set by regulations, the company – concludes Montalbano – will proceed to redefine the agreed volumes of private practice activities with professionals until access to services is restored within the maximum timeframe prescribed for institutional activity.”

Policlinico di Palermo, la riduzione delle liste d’attesa non è completa: prorogato il piano

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