The “Nights of BCsicilia” return: a journey in the territory with walks, music, and readings.

The 2024 edition of the Nights of BCsicilia has started, the summer event that offers 50 initiatives to explore and enhance the territory through guided tours, walks, music, conversations, screenings, readings, exhibitions, book presentations, tastings, and solidarity. The long itinerary starts on July 25th and ends on September 3rd with the evening dedicated to General Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa.

A series of events will take place in the evenings, exploring the historic centers of some Sicilian towns with guided tours in Gela, Caltanissetta, and Palazzolo Acreide, with the cultural advice of local scholars, or of particular architectures such as the Church of Maria SS. degli Agonizzanti in Monreale, Villa Resuttano Terrasi in Palermo, and the votive shrines of Bagheria.

There are also scenic walks planned, such as along the megalithic walls in Cefalù and a route from Casaboli to Monte Gibilmesi in Monreale. In Collesano, they will explore the ceramics route, while in Pollina there will be a historical-artistic itinerary through the town, and in Altavilla Milicia, a route will cover history, devotion, and culture. Guided tours are also offered in Isola delle Femmine at the Joe Di Maggio House Museum, in Ciminna at the Gattopardo Museum, and in Palermo at the Sgadari Collection of Agenzia SicilBanca. Finally, visits to regional museums with the help of archaeologists are planned: in Ragusa at the Museum of Kamarina and in Termini Imerese at the Antiquarium of Himera.

For music, the program includes Intimate Piano, with the performance of Maestro Diego Cannizzaro in Castelbuono, a concert in the gorges at the sanctuary of Madonna del Furi in Cinisi, and a sunrise performance at Roccia Amorosa in Villalba, as well as a clarinet performance in Riesi and music under the stars in Agira. Other events are scheduled in Montelepre with the Full Moon on Hyccara initiative, an evening in the alley of flowers in Carini, and in Messina with A Sea of Monsters: an itinerary between Myth, Poetry, and Marine Biology.

Lastly, there are original initiatives in Campofelice di Roccella with Philosophy under the Stars and in Villalba with Poetic Stars, sky reading with Desiderio Lanzalaco. Also included are Art Aperitifs to admire an interesting ethno-anthropological collection in Catania for the first time, or to observe up close the restoration of canvases and sculptures in Gangi. And then the award ceremonies in collaboration with the Municipalities: “Barone Musso” in Villafranca Sicula and “Mons. Giuseppe Petralia” in Bisacquino. For Cinema, there will be a screening in a suggestive Cloister in Mussomeli.

Additionally, there will be conversations about the paranormal, Prehistory, and Votive Chapels and Shrines: in Termini Imerese, Palermo, and Bagheria. Book presentations are planned in Alia, Bolognetta, Burgio, Campofelice di Roccella, Castel Di Lucio, Ficarra, Gangi, Riesi, Roccapalumba, and Valledolmo. There will also be space for solidarity with a dinner in Sciara for Fratel Biagio’s Mission and Charity and finally the conclusion on September 3rd in Corleone with an event to remember Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa, who was killed on that same day forty-two years ago.

“A suggestive forty-day journey to rediscover the traces of a past that speaks of the history and identity of a people. Fifty initiatives – says Alfonso Lo Cascio, Regional President of BCsicilia – to tell the story of an island in its extraordinary unity, and to make known our cultural and artistic heritage. With these premises, for the seventh consecutive year, we propose the initiative ‘Le Notti di BCsicilia’, an articulated path that involves almost forty municipalities, carried out for free by a cultural association thanks to the commitment and civil passion of many members who constantly strive to enhance and promote the most enchanting part of our island: a perfect combination of memory and beauty that remains one of the most important sectors to bet on for adequate and realistic economic development of Sicily.”

For information Tel. 346.8241076. Email: [email protected].

Tornano le «Notti di BCsicilia», viaggio nel territorio tra passeggiate, musica e letture

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