The massacre of via D’Amelio and the cover-up: prosecutor says “disturbing relationship between prosecutor’s office and secret services”

“The article explains the collaboration between the prosecutor’s office of Caltanissetta and the Sisde, particularly involving Bruno Contrada, in relation to the manipulation of investigations into the bombing of via D’Amelio. The prosecution accuses police officers Mario Bo, Fabrizio Mattei, and Michele Ribaudo of manipulating a false witness, Vincenzo Scarantino, to create a fabricated truth about the bombings. Contrada was arrested for mafia association but later acquitted on appeal. The prosecution argues that there was no good faith in pushing Scarantino to falsely confess, as he had no connection to the crimes. The article highlights the questionable tactics used by law enforcement in the investigation.”

La strage di via D’Amelio e il depistaggio, il pm: «Rapporti inquietanti fra procura e servizi segreti»

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