The church mourns Father Charles, beloved Nigerian priest of Palermo.

The church and all of Palermo mourn the death of Father Charles Onyenemerem, the parish priest of the church of Santa Margherita Vergine e Martire, in Via Marabitti, in the area of Via Montalbo. The priest had suffered a stroke on May 21st and never recovered, passing away yesterday at Villa Sofia where he was hospitalized in critical condition. Surgery had also been attempted.

Father Charles Onyenemerem was 54 years old and originally from Nigeria. Archbishop Corrado Lorefice announced his death with a heartfelt note: “With a broken heart, but supported by faith in Jesus Christ, the Risen Crucified, I inform you of the death of our dear priest, Father Charles Onyenemerem. We immediately realized the seriousness of the situation due to the stroke that struck him last Tuesday, May 21st. Father Charles enriched our local Church with his life imbued with African culture and especially our presbytery, where he was seen as fraternal and joyful in the beauty of relationships rich in humanity and the freshness of the Gospel. We join in the pain of his family, his mother, sisters and brothers, and also that of the parish community of Santa Margherita VM in Palermo, which had him as a lovable, smiling and diligent pastor, in love with Christ and the Church.”

Father Charles was ordained a priest 10 years ago, when he was assigned to the parish of Maria Santissima del Divino Amore – San Gaetano in Brancaccio. Since last Tuesday, the church community had been fervently praying for the Nigerian priest on Facebook, hoping for his recovery. Yesterday, the sad news was announced. Paolo Caracausi wrote: “Sadly, our dear Father Charles has left us. Despite the excellent doctors of neurosurgery and intensive care at Villa Sofia, and the prayers of thousands of faithful, he could not be saved. Rest in peace my dear friend, my dear brother, my dear son.” Maria Stella Galle added: “Safe journey Father Charles.”

In his life as a priest, he was by the side of many oncology patients who relied on him for support and prayer. The wake will be held this morning at the parish of Santa Margherita al Marabitti. The date of the funeral is yet to be announced.

La chiesa piange padre Charles, sacerdote Nigeriano tanto amato dai suoi palermitani

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