The Asp Palermo sentenced after almost 30 years to compensate an employee with 300 thousand euros.

The Palermo Asp has been ordered by a judge to pay €300,000 in damages to an employee for lost pension benefits. It all began in 1994 when the employee, G.D.L., submitted an early retirement application but later withdrew it. However, the former Usl of Palermo, now Asp, rejected the withdrawal request. This led to a lengthy legal battle that ended with the court ruling in favor of G.D.L. The judge ordered the Asp to compensate the employee for the lost pension benefits. In a recent ruling, the Palermo court ordered the Asp to pay over €300,000 in damages and legal expenses.

L’Asp Palermo condannata dopo quasi 30 anni a risarcire un dipendente con 300 mila euro

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