Telimar loses to European champions Pro Recco in water polo

The result is too disproportionate. What was seen in three quarters of the match at the Antonio Ferro pool was a more than decent Telimar, considering the caliber of the opponent. The hosts of Pro Recco won in the third day of the A1 Scudetto round, as expected, with a score of 16-5. However, the Ligurians were only able to pull away in the last eight minutes of the game. In the first fractions, the Addaura club, despite wasting some goal opportunities, remained focused on the goal, knowing that this match would serve mainly to regain rhythm, also in view of the upcoming match on Tuesday at Rari Nantes Savona’s home.

Aicardi unlocks with a beautiful turn in the center, with Telimar struggling to get to the goal due to the suffocating press of the Recco players. Again Aicardi, served on the first post, for the doubling. The reaction of the Palermitans comes shortly after with Metodiev, quick to exploit the extra man. Condemi converts a penalty, trying to extend the lead, but the Addaura club stays focused and scores again in extra player, this time with Lo Dico. In the second period, Telimar equalizes with Occhione, who does it all alone. However, the European champions do not stand still, and return to the lead with Echenique and Condemi’s fast breaks, who also scores 5-3 on man up. Baldineti’s men stay focused and get back with Hooper in extra player. The back and forth continues with Zalanki. Captain Sant’Anna tries to extend, with a shot that updates the scoreboard to +3 at the end of the first half of the match.

Returning from the long interval, after a series of missed opportunities on both sides, it is Younger who scores the 8-4 goal in superiority. To break the opponents’ streak, Giliberti scores a goal of remarkable quality, but on the next action, Younger scores again, this time easily inside the goal. In the last eight minutes of the game, Presciutti scores from position 1, taking Pro Recco to double digits. The hosts extend their lead with two more goals from Younger, arriving in duplicate, and with Condemi, also on a hat-trick, for 13-5. Telimar has the opportunity to shorten the gap, but wastes it with Hooper hitting the crossbar from five meters. Recco doesn’t forgive and quickly makes it 15-5 with Cannella and Condemi. At the end, a penalty for the Ligurians. Zalanki takes it, making it 16-5, effectively closing the match.

Pro Recco-Telimar 16-5
Quarters: 3-2; 4-2; 2-1; 7-0
Pro Recco: Del Lungo, Di Fulvio 1, Zalanki 2 (1 pen.), Cannella 1, Younger 4, Fondelli, Presciutti 1, Echenique, Condemi 5 (1 pen.), Kakaris, Aicardi 2, Iocchi Gratta, Negri, Rossi – Coach: Sandro Sukno
Telimar: Jurisic, Marini, Vitale, Fabiano, Giorgetti, Hooper 1, Giliberti 1, Metodiev 1, Lo Cascio, Occhione 1, Lo Dico 1, Woodhead, Girasole, Nuzzo – Coach: Marco Baldineti
Referees: Alessandro Severo, from Rome, and Federico Braghini, from Marino (RM), delegate Carlo Salino
Notes: Pro Recco superiority 3/7 + 2 pen.; Telimar 3/11 + missed penalty. Marini (T) leaves the game due to foul limit in the IV quarter. Negri (R) replaces Del Lungo in the fourth quarter. Hooper (T) misses a penalty (crossbar) in the IV quarter.

Pallanuoto, il Telimar cede ai campioni d’Europa della Pro Recco

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