Taurianova named book capital; Trapani and other excluded municipalities to file appeal

The mayors of Trapani, Grottaferrata, San Mauro Pascoli, and Tito – who were in the running for the designation as Italian Capital of the Book 2024 – are considering whether to appeal against the decision made by the Ministry of Culture’s jury that awarded Taurianova. This was stated by the mayor of Tito (Potenza), Graziano Scavone.

“I am dismayed and shocked,” declares Luciana Garbuglia, mayor of San Mauro Pascoli, “by this decision to name the capital of the book for 2024 a town that doesn’t even have a library. All this with a procedure that is questionable to say the least. Obviously, someone has wanted to force this decision.”

The Mayor of Taurianova, Roy Biasi, responded by saying, “It’s a storm in a teacup,” regarding the possibility of the other competing municipalities appealing the decision. “There was an informal communication of the victory,” Biasi added, “it’s clear that something leaked and as a result, the classic storm in a teacup erupted. The Commission had already deliberated a long time ago, and the minutes had been deposited. From this point of view, I don’t think there is any problem.”

“It is customary,” Biasi added, “that after the Commission meets and minutes the meeting, as in this case, with a unanimous vote, there are communications that are made to the mayor to prepare fully, considering that it may take a long time before formally starting the administrative procedure. We have to start on April 23 with this activity.”

“In fact, the official announcement has arrived,” the Mayor of Taurianova said, “and I comment on this with extraordinary joy because it fills us with immense joy and gives us the opportunity to achieve a result that allows us to optimize what we have believed in over these years, which is investing in culture.”

Taurianova capitale del libro, Trapani e gli altri comuni esclusi preparano un ricorso

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