Syracuse totals 140 thousand payers for the tragedies in 2023 Prometeo and Medea

#Syracuse #totals #thousand #payers #tragedies #Prometeo #Medea

In the year of the return to full capacity of the Greek theater, after two years of limitations due to the health emergency, the season of classic Inda shows totaled 140,490 tickets for the 44 reruns of the three performances staged from May 17 to July 9 , which in many evenings were sold out.
The last year before Covid, 2019, tickets sold were 170,000.
And the titles of the next season are already being announced: “Prometeo” by Aeschylus, “Medea” by Euripides and “Pace” by Aristophanes.

The Greek theater of Syracuse

This year the Inda Foundation has staged three new productions: “Agamemnon” by Aeschylus directed by Davide Livermore in a translation by Walter Lapini; Sophocles’ “Oedipus re” directed by Rober Carsen in the translation by Francesco Morosi and Euripides “Ifigenia in Tauride” directed by Jacopo Gassmann in the translation by Giorgio Ieranò.
On 6 July the show “Coefore Eumenidi” by Aeschylus was repeated under the direction of Davide Livermore and on 9 July the complete trilogy of Aeschylus’s Oresteia, directed by Livermore, co-produced since 2021 with the National Theater of Genoa.

Long applause at Orestea: in Syracuse a four-hour marathon of show by our correspondent Mario Di Caro 09 July 2022

Furthermore, this year the Inda returns to present its productions elsewhere too: Euripides’ “Ifigenia in Tauride” will be staged in Pompeii on 15 and 16 July, and at the Roman Theater in Verona, on 14 and 15 September.

The last appointment of the season at the Greek theater, on July 26, will host the national premiere of “Après les Troyennes”, a dance theater creation by Claudio Bernardo, in co-production with the Theater of Liège.

Laura Marinoni: “My marathon with Orestea” by Mario Di Caro 09 July 2022

Tickets are already on sale online and in corso Matteotti 29, at a price of 15 euros for the low cavea and 10 euros for the high cavea.

Sicilian news 2022-07-14 16:54:00

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