Swordfish fishing in the Strait of Messina becomes Slow Food stronghold

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The article talks about the traditional swordfish fishing in the Strait of Messina becoming a Slow Food Presidium. The goal is to support the work of the local fishing community and build a bridge of biodiversity to safeguard the natural and cultural heritage of the coast between Sicily and Calabria. Until May 19, celebrations are taking place in Messina with round tables, meetings, forums, and workshops promoted by Messina Food Policy and Slow Food Messina.

The traditional fishing techniques used in the Strait of Messina, such as the feluca boat, tremaglio, and nasse, represent a cultural heritage that needs to be protected. These techniques show a deep knowledge and respect for the sea, and their sustainability and quality of the catch have earned them the Slow Food snail symbol.

The Traditional Fishing in the Strait of Messina is now part of the Slow Food Presidia family, allowing the fishing community to continue practicing selective and seasonal fishing while giving value to the variety of species caught throughout the year. The Presidium aims to support and enhance the work of local fishermen in the region, including through the promotion of fishing tourism activities. The initiative is seen as an opportunity to strengthen ties and protect the entire area, connecting Sicily and Calabria through shared biodiversity and cultural heritage.

The mayor of Messina, Federico Basile, emphasizes the importance of supporting initiatives that help preserve the traditions and identity linked to the sea.

La pesca del pesce spada nello Stretto di Messina diventa presidio Slow Food

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