Students at Almeyda High School in Palermo protest against lack of recreation outside the institution.

Students from the Damiani-Almeyda artistic high school staged a protest in the morning. They chose not to enter the school building and instead stayed outside the entrances, demanding that the school principal reinstate the possibility of having recess outside of the classrooms. For several days, the students have been prohibited from leaving during the 11:30 recess or lunch break. Their only option is to bring their own food from home. The students argue that it is their right to leave the classrooms during breaks and feel that they are being confined for seven hours straight without even access to food or water dispensers in the building. The school principal met with a delegation of students but does not seem inclined to change her decision. The ban is reportedly related to the needs of disabled students, who would not be able to leave the school and would be left alone in the classrooms without any supervision. The students also held protests at a branch campus and stated that staying confined in classrooms from 8 am to 3 pm is inhumane. They believe that better organization of spaces and scheduling could accommodate both disabled and non-disabled students. They plan to continue protesting.

Palermo, al liceo Almeyda niente ricreazione fuori dall’istituto: scatta la protesta degli studenti

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