Stolen and abandoned scooters found among rubbish in Palermo: six recovered on Via Decollati

The article talks about the strange findings of abandoned electric scooters in Palermo, often stolen and disassembled. The scooters, which are available for rent in the city, were found among the trash in via Decollati. Carabinieri discovered six of them along the road leading from via Oreto to corso dei Mille, near the Oreto river, where more scooters had been previously found abandoned. Some of the scooters had their batteries stolen after being dismantled. In all three cases, the scooters belonged to the company Link, one of the companies offering rental services for sustainable mobility in Palermo. The city currently has three companies managing the rental service: Helbiz, Bird, and Link. The municipality had decided to regulate the sector after a trial period with a free market. The carabinieri returned the found scooters to Link while investigations are ongoing to identify the thieves.

Palermo, monopattini rubati e abbandonati tra i rifiuti: sei ritrovati in via Decollati

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