Start of work on the water pipeline Magazzinazzo in Catania after three years

The structural and hydraulic restoration works of the main pipeline of the Magazzinazzo irrigation conduit in Catania have begun. The affected section, about 540 meters long, has been out of use for three years. Two million euros have been allocated to restart irrigation for a vast portion of land, equivalent to over seven thousand hectares.

“Satisfaction for the farmers in the plain of Catania, who have been struggling with citrus, vegetable, and herb crops due to water shortage. A concrete response from the government of the Region – says the Agriculture Assessor, Luca Sammartino – to solve issues such as drought and neglect of some infrastructure. The intervention will guarantee irrigation again and put an end to the numerous inconveniences that have penalized the agricultural companies in the area.”

The pipeline was damaged during the flood of 2018 and, despite initially being repaired, it was dismantled because it required a massive structural intervention.

Gaetano Punzi, Deputy General Director of the Eastern Sicily Reclamation Consortium, and Giuseppe Spartà, Extraordinary Commissioner of Eastern Sicily, express their satisfaction, emphasizing “the promptness of the Region in recovering a Cipes funding that was about to be lost and topping it up with about 600 thousand euros of regional funds. Without these amounts – they conclude – the works that will provide an essential service to the farmers in a portion of the plain of Catania could not have been contracted.”

Dopo tre anni al via i lavori alla condotta idrica Magazzinazzo nel Catanese

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