Start of sewer network works, Orlando: “The beginning of the rebirth of the southern coast of Palermo”

The beginning of the rebirth of the South coast». This is how Salvatore Orlando, municipal assessor for Public Works, presents the construction works of the separate sewer system in via Messina Marine, in Palermo.

An 18 million euro project with 910 working days, which sounds like a countdown for the residents of Romagnolo and the entire stretch of coast that is expected to become swimmable again, leaving behind years of prohibitions and pollution. The network will extend from the Oreto river to Piazza Sperone and will also be equipped with a lifting plant: “Works that have been awaited for years – explains Orlando – that represent a piece of a mosaic of interventions that are almost epoch-making for this area of the city. Soon, in fact, we will also start the works on public lighting: small steps to restore the South coast to the role it deserves. The network is a separate system of white waters that will be discharged into the sea, and black waters that will be pumped from the siphoned water.”

The Second Municipal district rejoices. President Giuseppe Federico and councilor Giovanni Colletti emphasize the importance of the construction site, “perhaps even more than the projects of the NRR – they say – which will allow our sea to become swimmable. The coast will come back to life and take back its natural place that has been denied for many years.” A neighborhood “that is regaining its dignity – comments municipal councilor Teresa Leto – an area that has been abandoned for many years and now we will see it reborn.

Also present on the site is municipal councilor and president of the Seventh Council Committee Pasquale Terrani, who has followed the project: “Starting this project, which is in addition to the four projects funded by the NRR, is very important. The citizens of this area will be able to swim again and this means making the beaches of the entire area once again fully usable.”

In the video, interviews with: Totò Orlando, municipal assessor for Public Works; Giuseppe Federico, president of the Second Municipal district; Giovanni Colletti, councilor of the Second Municipal district; Teresa Leto, municipal councilor; Pasquale Terrani, president of the Seventh council committee».

Al via i lavori della rete fognaria, Orlando: «L’inizio della rinascita della costa Sud di Palermo»

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