Siracusa: 6 investigated for bankruptcy, jewelry and cars seized

The article explains that six people are under investigation for fraudulent bankruptcy and self-laundering of over one million euros. Luxury cars and bank accounts have been seized by the financial police in Siracusa, following a court order. Investigations revealed that a businessman from Genoa, who was legally representing a company in the industrial area of Megara, diverted around 650 thousand euros from the company’s accounts and some company cars, despite filing for a preventive arrangement with the court and not paying his employees. Further investigations uncovered that the businessman, a female acquaintance, and some of their relatives had received around 130 thousand euros as salaries from the company without actually working there. Additionally, over 100 thousand euros from the bankruptcy proceeds were used to create new companies linked to the businessman through self-laundering operations. The seizure operations have already resulted in the confiscation of luxury cars, jewelry, and significant amounts of cash from the suspects’ bank accounts.

Siracusa, 6 indagati per bancarotta: sequestrati gioielli e auto

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