Sicily’s Waste Emergency: Region to Use Other Facilities after Lentini Landfill Closure

The article explains a temporary measure to deal with the waste disposal issue in Sicily, specifically in the Lentini area. The regional assessore for Energy, Roberto Di Mauro, announced the decision to allow the waste to be redirected to other facilities on the island due to difficulties faced by several municipalities. The opposition party, Pd, criticizes the lack of planning and failure of the center-right governments to address the waste management issue, blaming the current governor, Renato Schifani. The situation is described as dramatic and highlights the government’s inadequacies in handling the waste crisis in Sicily.

L’emergenza rifiuti in Sicilia, la Regione dopo lo stop alla discarica di Lentini: «Ricorreremo ad altri impianti nell’Isola»

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